“Characterization of the Effects of Borehole Configuration and Interference with Long Term Ground Temperature Modelling of Ground Source Heat Pumps” has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
New Paper Accepted for Publication
“CoFlame: A Refined and Validated Numerical Algorithm for Modeling Sooting Laminar Diffusion Flames” has been accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communications.
Congratulations to Jamie Fine!
Congratulations to Jamie Fine for winning a CUE-Enwave Energy Corporation Student Assistantship Award!
Congratulations to Emily Law!
Congratulations to Emily Law for winning a CUE-Enwave Energy Corporation Student Assistantship Award!
Congratulations to Meysam Sahafzadeh!
Meysam Sahafzadeh has won 3rd place in the student poster competition at the 2016 International Combustion Summer School in Toronto, for his research poster, “Transient Response of a Laminar Premixed Flame to a Radially Diverging/Converging Flow.”
Welcome Talha Ansari!
Welcome to Talha Ansari who has joined the Dworkin research group as an undergraduate researcher with an Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) Award from the Ryerson Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science!
Welcome Bobby Anand!
Welcome to Bobby Anand, who has recently joined the Dworkin group as a summer researcher with an NSERC USRA!
Welcome Nemanja Ceranic!
Welcome to Nemanja Ceranic who is joining the Dworkin group to pursue his MASc!
New Paper Accepted for Publication
“Assessing Relative Contributions of PAHs to Soot Mass by Reversible Heterogeneous Nucleation and Condensation” has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute!
New Paper Accepted for Publication
“Understanding Soot Particle Size Evolution in Laminar Ethylene/Air Diffusion Flames Using Novel Soot Coalescence Models” has been accepted for publication in Combustion Theory and Modelling!