A. Veshkini, S. B. Dworkin, M. J. Thomson, “A Soot Particle Surface Reactivity Model Applied to a Wide Range of Laminar Ethylene/Air Flames,” has been accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame!
New Paper Accepted for Publication
H. V. Nguyen, Y. Law, M. Alavy, P. R. Walsh, W. H. Leong, S. B. Dworkin, “An Analysis of the Factors affecting Hybrid Ground-Source Heat Pump Installation Potential in North America,” has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy!
Congratulations to Professor Dworkin
Congratulations to Professor Seth Dworkin for winning the Ryerson Early Research Career Excellence Award, for outstanding research in the first five years of an academic career, 2014.
Dworkin and Thomson groups allocated $1,912,483 in computational resources
The Dworkin and Thomson groups have been allocated $1,912,483 in computational resources from Compute Canada for the 2014 competition.
New Paper Accepted for Publication
M. Alavy, S. B. Dworkin, W. H. Leong, “A Design Methodology and Analysis of Combining Multiple Buildings onto a Single District Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump System,” has been accepted for publication in Renewable Energy.
Congratulations to Emily Law
Congratulations to Emily Law for winning the 2013 Concrete Forming Association of Ontario Award in Civil Engineering!
Congratulations to Brian Reghelini and Adam Alaica
Congratulations to Brian Reghelini and Adam Alaica for winning the 2013 Ryerson Mechanical Engineering Alumni Award!
Congratulations to Levon Larson
Congratulations to Levon Larson for successfully defending his thesis entitled, “Numerical Simulation of Liquid Prechamber Fuel Ignition”.
Congratulations to Nick Eaves
Congratulations to Nick Eaves whose NSERC PGS D Scholarship has been converted to an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship D (CGS D)!
New Paper Accepted for Publication
V. Chernov, M. J. Thomson, S. B. Dworkin, N. A. Slavinskaya, U. Riedel, “Soot Formation with C1 and C2 Fuels using an Improved Chemical Mechanism for PAH Growth,” has been accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame